
Sodium Hydroxide Density In G/ml


  • A l% (west/w) concentrated Sodium hydroxide solution is a clear colorless liquid. It can be purchased from many suppliers.
  • A l% (w/west) sodium hydroxide solution means that in that location is 50 g of NaOH per 100 g of solution.
  • The density of 50% (w/westward) Sodium hydroxide solution is 1.515 g/ml at 25°C which ways that the weight of the i ml of Sodium hydroxide solution is 1.515 g at 25°C.
  • Molarity refers to the number of moles of the solute nowadays in ane liter of solution.
  • In unproblematic words, 1 mole is equal to the diminutive weight of the substance. For case, 1 mole of Sodium hydroxide is equal to 40.00 grams of Sodium hydroxide (NaOH, molecular weight = 40.00).
  • To calculate the molarity, one must showtime calculate how much Sodium hydroxide is nowadays in 1 L of 50% Sodium hydroxide solution. Once we know the corporeality of sodium hydroxide present in 1 L solution, nosotros can calculate the molarity of the solution by dividing the NaOH amount past the molecular weight.

Calculation procedure:

Known values
Molar mass of Sodium Hydroxide
xl.00 g/mole
Concentration of Sodium Hydroxide solution 50% (% past mass, w/w)
Density of fifty% (due west/w) Sodium Hydroxide solution
ane.515 g/ml

Pace ane: Calculate the volume of 100 grams of Sodium Hydroxide solution.

Density = W e i g h t V o l u m e


Volume = Weight Density

The volume of 100 grand of Sodium hydroxide solution: 100 one . 515 = 66.0066 ml

Note: fifty% (w/west) Sodium Hydroxide ways that 100 1000 of solution contains 50 1000 of Sodium Hydroxide.

The volume of 100 m of Sodium hydroxide solution is 66.0066 ml which ways 50 g of NaOH is nowadays in 66.0066 ml of  Sodium hydroxide solution.

Stride two: Calculate how many grams of NaOH is present in 1000 ml of Sodium hydroxide solution.
66.0066 ml of Sodium Hydroxide solution contains   = l grams of NaOH
1 ml of Sodium hydroxide solution will comprise      = 50 66 . 0066 grams of NaOH

1000 ml of Sodium hydroxide solution will incorporate = one thousand ten 50 66 . 0066 = 757.50 grams of NaOH

1000 ml of Sodium hydroxide solution will contain 757.50 grams of NaOH.

Step iii: Summate the number of moles of NaOH nowadays in 757.fifty grams of NaOH.
xl g of NaOH is equal to ane mole.

1 one thousand of NaOH will be equal to one 40 moles.

757 . fifty g o f N a O H w i 50 l b due east eastward q u a l t o = 757 . 50 x 1 40 = eighteen . 9375 m o 50 e s

Therefore, we can say that 1 liter of sodium hydroxide solution contains eighteen.9375 moles or in other words molarity of l% (w/w) Sodium Hydroxide is equal to eighteen.9375 1000.

Calculator – Calculate the molarity of concentrated Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Use Reckoner to calculate the molarity of concentrated Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) when concentration is given in % by mass (w/due west)

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Molecular weight: twoscore.00 yard/mole

Concentration of Sodium Hydroxide in % (wt/wt) : % (wt/wt)

(Change the % (wt/wt) concentration)

Density of glacial Sodium Hydroxide: thou/ml

(Change the density)

Molarity of Sodium Hydroxide: 18.938 Thousand

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Sodium Hydroxide Density In G/ml,


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